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Tests (life's way of judging you)

Tests. we all hate taking them, but its something we have to do. admittedly if i had the chance i would take all the tests in the world and burn them in a sacrificial way while dancing around them like a mad person. But hey that's just me. Sometimes, you haven't even taken the test yet and you're already stressed beyond belief. You walk into class one morning and everyone is pouring over books like this is what makes or breaks their future career (which in some cases it does). BOOM! that's when it hits you. you. have. a. test. The mad scramble for books as panic overtakes you and everyone runs around like headless chickens. except that one person. we all know who i'm talking about. the one kid sitting in the corner, smirking and looking over the sea of panic chickens. you know what, throw them in the pile of burning papers too! worst thing is when you open the paper and you just stare at the sea of mess on the sheet that looks like a foreign language that might have been used for a solid 5 minutes before all books of it were burned and some archaeologist found a hidden scripture and they said " Hey! i know, how about we use this to torture some students!" So you spend an our or two of your life trying to find that one fact buried in the mess of the mind. If rooms represent the mind then i have no bloody hope. I love how our brains are working 24/7 since the day we are born but take a holiday when it comes to test. and in tests we doubt anything. we doubt the simplistic equation because we don't want to make a stupid mistake which would have our friends making fun of us for years.

(Child like taunting voice) "hey Micky do you remember when you said 3 + 2 =6?"

(Child like sad voice) "that was 2 years ago billy...."

(child like taunting voice) "HAHAHA! get it... cause you said 3 + 2 = 6!"

"just let me blow out my birthday candles"

"yeah whatever stupid...."

Or when you finally get the test back and you see that you got the answer right the first time but CROSSED IT OUT AND PUT THE WRONG ANSWER!! and you question yourself for the rest of your life. or we just don't tell our parents we even took a test until it comes to parents evening and you dread the moment your teacher pulls out that test with the big fat F on it. As that stupid smug kids looms over his shoulder with an A++++++++++++++++ etc. then you attack him and teachers pull you apart as you scream out a cry that sounds like a mix of meth head and Satan. call me old fashioned but that's my way of dealing.

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